What Is Bandwidth? Uses and Applications

Written by: Andrew Wandola

Andrew Wandola

Andrew is a seasoned web designer with a passion for finding the perfect hosting solutions for his clients. With an extensive background in frontend web design and development, Andrew's satisfaction lies in guiding clients toward the best hosting deals and services available on the internet. When he's not designing websites, he's testing, reviewing, and rating web hosting services. He's also the founder of DREWEB, a web design startup located in Tacoma, Washington, and an alumnus of the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

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Edited by: Christina Lewis

Christina Lewis

Christina's passion for technology sprouted from her coursework at the University of Florida's web design master's degree program. She has years of experience writing content for mobile apps and for the health technology industry, including companies like U.S. Preventive Medicine. Now, she combines her writing experience with her technical knowledge to craft content that gives value to novice techies and field experts.

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Reviewed by: Lynn Cadet

Lynn Cadet

With a Bachelor of Science from the University of Florida, Lynn Cadet is a detailed writer with experience in technical writing and blogging. She loves to follow emerging trends in the tech sector and aims to keep her audience informed of the latest developments in the software, hosting, and IT infrastructure space. She has written 250+ engaging posts on cutting-edge developers and new technology trends. Lynn is adept at relaying key insights from leaders in the industry and making technologically complex topics accessible to her readers.

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Bandwidth is the maximum amount of data that travels over a network connection in a given amount of time.

Perhaps the best way to understand this concept is by thinking of it as a highway’s width. The wider the highway, the more vehicles (or data) can travel on it simultaneously.

Every day, we interact with bandwidth in one way or another; we just don’t realize it. For instance, you’re reading this paragraph because bandwidth made it possible. It allowed this content to travel from the server to the page you’re reading.

Because of bandwidth, you can stream videos, download content quickly, and play responsive online games. And if you run a business with a digital presence, bandwidth helps support multiple users, cloud-based applications, video conferencing, and other data-intensive activities.

Understanding Bandwidth

To further understand bandwidth, let’s look at it from three different environments: telecommunications, computing, and networking. For now, we’ll only focus on its importance in these environments; we’ll discuss how it works later.


When you make a phone call, the communication travels through various frequencies to transmit signals. These frequencies are what we call bandwidth in telecommunications. Have you ever wondered why some phone calls may sound clearer than others?

It could be for many reasons, low bandwidth being one of them. Higher bandwidth provides a wider route for data to travel simultaneously, improving the quality and speed of voice and data communications over phone lines, mobile networks, and other telecommunication systems.


Things are different in computing. Here, bandwidth determines the rate at which data travels between computer components or over computer networks.

Take your computer’s memory or storage device as an example. Bandwidth affects how quickly data can be read from or written to those components. As a result, it determines overall system performance.


When we talk about bandwidth in networking, we’re referring to the maximum rate of data transfer across a given path. Here, bandwidth has the final say on how quickly data can travel between devices on a network.

And like computing, bandwidth in networking also influences the performance of internet connections, local area networks (LANs), and wide area networks (WANs).

Bandwidth vs. internet speed: It’s important to set the record straight regarding the difference between bandwidth and internet speed. Bandwidth is the capacity of a connection to handle data. Internet speed is the actual rate at which data travels at a given time.

How It Works

So far, we’ve defined bandwidth and explained its importance in different environments. Now, let’s address the elephant in the room: how bandwidth works.

Data Transmission

We all know that data transmission is the movement of data from one point to another. For this transmission to be successful, you must add two things to the equation: a network and bandwidth.

data transmission illustration

The network is the vessel in which the data travels. It could be a cable, wireless signal, or fiber optics, for example. As we’ve said earlier, bandwidth is the network’s capacity to handle said data.

So, when the bandwidth is high, you can transfer more data from one point to another. Remember when we used a highway as an example? The wider the highway, the more vehicles can pass at any given moment.

Analog vs. Digital Bandwidth

Analog bandwidth measures the range of frequencies that an analog signal can occupy.

In contrast, digital bandwidth measures the data rate in bits per second (bps) that can travel over a digital network. Besides the environments in which these two operate, the main difference is analog signals are continuous, while digital signals are discrete.

Analog signals are continuous waves that vary over time. They represent sound in a smooth, uninterrupted manner, like in a traditional radio.

Digital signals, on the other hand, are discrete packets of data. Each data packet represents binary code (1s and 0s). You can’t listen to a digital signal — you only get to interact with whatever it dishes out, like a video, webpage, etc.

You should know: We use hertz (Hz) to measure analog bandwidth. If you were born between the 1960s and early 1990s, you probably saw AM/FM radios labeled “KHz” near the tuning button. KHz is short for kilohertz, a measuring unit for the frequency of audio signals being transmitted to that particular device.

How to Measure Bandwidth

To measure bandwidth, you need to calculate the amount of data transmitted over a network within a specific time frame. This measurement is usually done in bits per second (bps).

You can use different software and tools to measure bandwidth. Some common examples of these tools include:

With these tools, you can determine the maximum data transfer rate over that particular network. You may then use this information to diagnose network performance issues or optimize and manage your network infrastructure for better performance.

Pro tip: You can calculate bandwidth for video conferencing using this online bandwidth calculator tool.

Types of Bandwidth

As discussed earlier, there are two types of bandwidth: digital and analog. But between these types of bandwidth, you’ll find other subcategories we haven’t discussed before. Let’s dive deeper into the details.

Types of Digital Bandwidth

As the name implies, this type of bandwidth only serves the digital space. Under digital bandwidth, you’ll find three subcategories: internet, network, and device bandwidth.

Here are some key takeaways from these three types of digital bandwidth:

With that out of the way, now let’s look at analog bandwidth and its subcategories.

Types of Analog Bandwidth

We mentioned that analog bandwidth is measured in hertz (Hz) and represents the range of frequencies that an analog signal can occupy. The three main subcategories here are radio frequency, video, and audio bandwidth.

Here’s an overview of what they entail:

By understanding both digital and analog bandwidth, users can better manage and optimize their data transmission needs, ensuring efficient and high-quality communication across different mediums.

Factors Affecting Bandwidth

Many different factors can affect how bandwidth works. So, having high bandwidth alone won’t get the wheels rolling as they should. For perspective, let’s look at these factors that could affect bandwidth.

Bandwidth Limitations

The service provider often imposes bandwidth limitations. For example, if you’ve ever purchased an internet bundle for your home or mobile device, you may have noticed that your plan has a bandwidth limit.

This is what many people confuse with network speed. We’ve already seen the difference between these two — bandwidth is the capacity to handle data transfer and network speed is how fast data travels.

Some providers may cap the maximum data transfer rate available to you. Nine times out of ten, they do this to ensure that everyone in the network gets a sufficient share of bandwidth.

This cap can restrict the speed and volume of transmitted data and affect the overall network performance.

Bandwidth Usage Patterns

Another reason providers restrict bandwidth is to avoid overuse. People have different usage patterns, and sometimes, one person’s usage habits could impact another person on the same network.

Regarding usage, high-demand activities such as video streaming, large downloads, and gaming can consume substantial bandwidth. As a result, such activities tend to slow down other users and applications on the same network.

Impact of Hardware and Infrastructure

Let’s go back to the example of a wide road. We’ve used this example to show you how bandwidth works in real life. The wider the road, the more vehicles can pass at any given time.

Now imagine having a road in poor condition with potholes, unmarked lanes, no road signs. In that case, the road’s ample width doesn’t make up for its poor condition.

The same logic applies to the quality and capability of hardware and infrastructure; they determine the quality of bandwidth performance.

Routers, switches, and cabling must support the required data rates. If they’re outdated or substandard, they can create bottlenecks, impacting the effective use of available bandwidth.

Interference and Noise

As ridiculous as it sounds, interference and noise from other electronic devices or environmental factors can disrupt data transmission and reduce bandwidth effectiveness.

For perspective, an internet router might not work properly if situated in places with physical obstacles.

The same applies when you place the router next to other wireless or electromagnetic devices. The router might work under these conditions, but it won’t be able to perform at its best.

Importance of Bandwidth

Bandwidth is one of the most important pieces in the puzzle of the modern digital communication system. It influences everything from internet speed to overall network performance. In this section, we’ll explain its importance in different environments.

Impact on Internet Speed

Higher bandwidth allows for faster internet speeds. As a result, it also reduces latency and improves the user experience for activities such as browsing, streaming, and gaming.

Role in Network Performance

In a network, bandwidth helps manage data traffic between devices. When a network has enough bandwidth, multiple devices can communicate and share resources without congestion. Sufficient bandwidth also means a smoother and more reliable network performance.

Significance in Multimedia Streaming

We’ve said that high bandwidth helps deliver high-quality audio and video content. So when you watch a video online and it keeps buffering, part of this problem could be that the network is struggling to travel through the allocated bandwidth.

In this context, buffering is the network’s way of complaining that it can’t get through the narrow lanes from the server to your device. To fix this problem, you’ll need to upgrade the bandwidth.

Implications for Cloud Computing

In cloud computing, bandwidth facilitates the transfer of large volumes of data between local devices and cloud servers. Sufficient bandwidth ensures efficient data synchronization, quick access to cloud-based applications, and smooth operation of cloud services.

In other words, cloud computing simply can’t work without bandwidth.

Common Misconceptions About Bandwidth

Bandwidth is one of the most important web hosting definitions you should know, yet it’s also one of the most misunderstood concepts in the modern age of technology.

People use bandwidth in different contexts, including places that don’t fit. For instance, the term bandwidth has been used to describe internet connectivity, which shouldn’t be the case. In this section, we’ll highlight some of the most common misconceptions about bandwidth.

Understanding these misconceptions is important as they can help you decide when or how to conduct network upgrades or troubleshoot connectivity issues.

Bandwidth Management Strategies

The whole point of managing bandwidth is to make sure that network resources are used efficiently and critical applications receive the necessary bandwidth to function optimally. Here are some proven strategies to achieve this goal.

Prioritizing Network Traffic

On the topic of prioritizing network traffic, think of a busy highway as an example. Emergency vehicles like fire engines are prioritized when navigating traffic. That’s exactly how bandwidth management works at the network level.

Prioritize your network traffic in order of mission-critical applications and services that require more bandwidth. By so doing, essential tasks, such as business operations and communication, are not disrupted by less important activities.

Implementing Quality of Service (QoS)

Quality of service (QoS) works similarly to prioritizing network traffic. It refers to a set of techniques used to manage and control network traffic.

Here, you assign different priority levels to various types of data. When you do that, QoS ensures that high-priority services, such as video conferencing and VoIP, have sufficient bandwidth during peak usage.

Bandwidth Optimization Techniques

Sometimes, you can’t solve bandwidth-related issues by simply increasing bandwidth. Instead, you should apply optimization techniques to help maximize the efficiency of available bandwidth and improve overall network performance.

These techniques include:

Once you’ve put these optimization techniques in place, you’ll be less worried about network traffic congestion.

Bandwidth Monitoring and Analysis Tools

Bandwidth monitoring and analysis tools can help you understand bandwidth usage. Some of these tools and techniques include:

With this information, you can identify areas for improvement and make the right decisions.

We live in a world with a growing demand for faster and more reliable connectivity. There are about 5.35 billion global internet users.

Remember, bandwidth determines how stable an internet connection is. That’s to say, without bandwidth, there’s no internet connectivity. Let’s look at other fields where the demand for bandwidth won’t run dry anytime soon.

Emerging Technologies

Every day, some form of new technology is invented. Most of these technologies have something to do with the internet and, therefore, bandwidth.

The following are some prime examples:

In each of the technologies mentioned above, bandwidth is at the heart of almost every operation.

Bandwidth Expansion Initiatives

Bandwidth expansion initiatives are all about upgrading existing infrastructure and deploying new technologies to increase data transfer capacities. The U.S. government, for example, pumps about $10 billion into states and territories to fund capital projects.

2023 and 2022 saw significant investments in connectivity projects.

In 2023, Wisconsin received $33 million for digital connectivity and technology projects, where bandwidth plays an important role.

Private companies haven’t been left out, either; they are investing heavily in expanding fiber optic networks, rolling out 5G, and developing new standards for wireless communication to keep pace with growing data demands.

One report found that wireless providers in America invested $39 billion in 5G technology in 2022 — a new record.

Implications for Industry and Consumers

For industries, increased bandwidth supports the growth of technologies like IoT devices, smart cities, and advanced automation.

As these technologies continue to evolve and use the power of bandwidth, consumers will experience faster internet speeds, improved streaming quality, and enhanced connectivity for smart home devices.

Challenges and Opportunities

The growth and expansion of bandwidth undoubtedly bring many opportunities. But it also comes with challenges worth noting.

These challenges include but are not limited to high deployment costs, regulatory hurdles, and the need for cybersecurity enhancements.

On the flip side, these challenges also open up opportunities for innovation in network management, security solutions, and cost-effective infrastructure development.

Real-World Applications

Earlier in this article, we discussed that we interact with devices or platforms that use bandwidth daily. Now, let’s examine real-world examples where bandwidth is the leading actor.

Based on these examples alone, can you estimate how many times per day you use a technology that relies on bandwidth?

Embracing the Evolution of Bandwidth

It’s impossible to overlook the impact of bandwidth on various aspects of our lives. It plays a role in nearly every technology we use.

That also explains why the outlook for bandwidth is promising. As long as we witness ongoing advancements in technologies like 5G, fiber optics, and edge computing, bandwidth will remain at the center of everyday technology.

So, how do we (consumers and technologists) become part of bandwidth’s evolution? It’s simple: staying ahead of the curve and investing in cutting-edge infrastructure is a proven way to fully harness bandwidth’s potential to create a more connected and efficient world.


Andrew Wandola is a seasoned web designer with a passion for finding the perfect hosting solutions for his clients. With an extensive background in frontend web design and development, Andrew's satisfaction lies in guiding clients toward the best hosting deals and services available on the internet. When he's not designing websites, he's testing, reviewing, and rating web hosting services. He's also the founder of DREWEB, a web design startup located in Tacoma, Washington, and an alumnus of the Nucamp Coding Bootcamp.

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